On behalf of Thaler Law posted in business formation on Tuesday, March 19, 2019.

When a Californian rents residential property, he or she has certain rights. There are laws in place that protect the interests of tenants, and they provide protections against things like invasion of privacy and other types of mistreatment from landlords. In some areas of California, however, provisions intended to help renters may actually not be helping them at all. In one town, this led to many disgruntled renters and the potential for real estate litigation.

Lawmakers passed certain measures actually intended to protect the interests of renters. Landlords are now required to provide tenants with one-year leases, but there is no provision that keeps them from raising the rent each year as well. As a result, many people are facing rent amounts that are more than they can afford. Landlords can also evict tenants or refuse to renew the lease at the end of one year if they choose to do so.

Tenants are trying to fight these local ordinances, but in the meantime, they are facing a very real threat to their housing options. Renter protections and other laws are in place for their benefit, but they may still find it necessary to fight for their interests. Whether the local rental laws are not actually beneficial or landlords violate their rights or act unfairly, tenants do not have to endure these things in silence.

Real estate litigation, landlord-tenant laws and tenant rights are complex. People facing disputes related to these issues may find it helpful to seek experienced legal guidance. If a California tenant believes that he or she is experiencing a violation of rights or has grounds to move forward with legal action, it may help to first seek a complete evaluation of the case.